Monday, November 27, 2006

Guerrilla Recall 25/11/2006

Another Rilla Guerrilla Assault on HomeClub Saturday night. Cherry warmed up the crowd beautifully, first getting the early birds onto the dancefloor. things were quiet compared to the last Guerilla but this would change as the night became closer to morning. Escobar, an old schooler, one before my time but absolute quality in track selection and mixing technique. This guy was all over the place with style and precision, chopping in and out, playing with percussive patterns, you could see he was having a great time, this emanated and the dancefloor soon was moving to his flow. next was Invid another old schooler, who brought this soulfully astral track, then bringing it back with some heavy beats, which saw the return of steppers and swayers alike. Next were true veterans and pushers of Singapore's drum and bass scene, big up, both Kiat and Vortex went back to back for a mammoth set of both soulful and pumelling tunes with depth. Acely crafted, well delivered and recieved. I have to give a big shout out to MC Kane, he really involved the crowd, getting people on the floor, giving respect to both dj and dancer. To finish off JK, a guest from innernation gave his signature style of double drops. This might have been on a scale smaller than the last Guerilla but once again professionals really showed how a proper event should be executed. Stay tuned for the next one, we only hope these events keep on coming. Bring them back, Guerrillas on the A-list attack.