As you should already know Home hosts a monthly event entitled Beat Live. Curated by Joe Ng, (who some may say is the godfather of true indie rock here in Singapore, for more information plese click here or visit his myspace for a more indepth look at Joe himself.) This event presents some of the best local bands to giving a live performance at your very own Home Club.
This Friday, up and coming rock and roll stars "The SuperIllegal's" will be performing along side local newcomers "The Eggheads". A bit of indie, a lot of rock and even some folk. Performances will be followed by Beat with regular DJs, Ginette Chittick, George Chua and Joe Ng.
For this Beat Live please welcome for the very first time two virgins to the Home Club stage. Do not be misinformed, virginity, in this case, does not (but also could) mean inexperience.

Coming with more floor stage experience is The SuperIllegas who are headlining for this week's Beat Live event. After performing at venues such as Bar None a couple of months ago and the Mosh Festival more recently, this team is slowly but surely climbing up the ladder of Singapore indie rock stardom. Equipped with a rock stars approach to performance it is not unusual to see guitars sacrificed to the gods as lead guitarist Terrence takes no prisoners with an axe swing in between vicious chords. With more stage prescence than a mice on a single than a telescope focused directly on a mouse running round and round a personal treadmill, the lead singer will blow you away with her vocals and unforgettable frontwoman appeal. I urge you once again, this is another band you cannot miss, not only for their professionally executed sound but also their unmatched overall stage performance. Anyone who has seen them at their previous gig at HomeClub can let me know if they feel the same.
For more info on this event please visit here, or click on the photo of The SuperIllegals rocking out on stage:

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