Deep thanks go out to both Kinemat and Motored who, without their help, this incredible event would not have been possible. Mad props to reliable organizers and those who made it feasible for this event to have both cause and meaning. We couldn't have done it without you.

A gathering of truly beautiful people came together at Home with an assortment of decorations that give an insight to the little bits of effort and affection that we continue to strive for as a venue. The club emanated a red warmth. Home was adorned with a number of different ornaments all with their own tag line and purpose.

In the words as they were for those who weren't present:
The RED campaign is a worldwide movement, and it’ll need everyone’s help to keep flying high.
Write down your blessings for the RED campaign, and let your RED planes fly!

Help Red reach out to more people. Aim to put Red into the hearts and minds of the world.
Use these projectiles and see if you can hit the heart-boards in the club.

…Of the Sock? Don’t be. AIDS prevention is everyone’s responsibility. Use protection.
Take a Sock and hang it up in the club.
AIDS and HIV awareness helps to prevent the increase of HIV infections. Help RED remind and warn people about AIDS, so we will one day be able to hang it up forever.
Take these HIV balls, and hang them up in the club.

AIDS affects children worldwide. Of the 2.9 million people who died of AIDS during 2006, over one in ten were children. Every hour, forty children die as a result of AIDS. Help RED educate about HIV and save the future.
Take a Baby T-Shirt and Hang it up in the club."

loopinmotion started off the night with some deep, funky house getting people in the mood and on the floor. Next up were some proper old schoolers, both Nic Tan and Don played back to back a selection of all things jazzy and percussive. Soul seeped in as a techno attitude to beat matching and juggling, kept steppers stepping until the bugz made their arrival.

The Bugz started at quarter to one with some latin-esque flavoured tunes that increased population of the floor to a sweating hum-drum of dancing pulsating forms. From latin house, to broken beat, to garage and all things with uplifting funk and ridiculous bass, their sound draws on others but keeps character that is unique and absolutely dancalicious. All of the Bugz stayed in their attic going on rotation with the sweet chocolate females voices singing along live, adding that wondrous touch of soul and depth. Two of the guys emcee'd a distinctly London garage sound, always keeping everyone involved drawing the crowd in with their moves and smiles. This was positive vibes.

What an end to an era, a truly warm and beautiful last party of the Home you once knew. Things are to change but please do not fret, the spirit will always stay the same, Home will be returning to yours truly on the 12th, we invite you to celebrate with us on that day itself as we take another step into our continuing evolution.
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