Thursday, April 19, 2007

Our First Beat! Since The Renovation!

Friday the 13th saw Beat return to the controls for the first time since the renovation. A new enlarged space returned with the amplified spirit we remember from the old days of our ever enthralling and successful Beat! Here is a little visual documentation of what happened that night.

This is what we call a full house:

Joe behind the controls:

Walao we've got a new bar!

Some teeth and hanky panky:

Two Lovely Ladies:

Constance and Benji, The Animal!!!

George & Joe:


If anyone has anything they would like to share about the night or the new space please drop me a comment. Thank you. :) Over and out for now.


Anonymous said...

Where to get pictures taken by the photographer for that night?? :)

Anonymous said...

yup. where can i see those pics taken that night ?

b said...

These pictures will be in the gallery section of the website :)