Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Sit Down and Tape a Seat!


Made especially for you to melt into. Let your mind wander and check out the new wares. Book early, I'm pretty sure they'll be taken early.


A few points:
-They consist of three pieces.
-They are constructed of high density cardboard.
-They are both light (easy to move around) and surprisingly soft!
(I know, I spent yesterday on them and Chris even manages to fall asleep on them at night!)
-They are flexible in their layout and arrangement.
-They will be placed in the outside area.


This is my interpretation:
1) Chair
2) Table/Bar Stool/Sofa
3) Stool/Table/Foot Rest

I think they are pretty damn neat!
Proto-type (definitely the first of their kind, have you seen anything quite like them?) low density/maximum usage, pieces of furniture.

Let me know what you think, how do you see these pieces?
How do you think they should be set up?


Anonymous said...

Hey Guys! So great to finally see your blog. Really had a great time at bugs in the attic!! can't wait for the next crazy party.
You guys going to be needing any dancers anytime?

lots of love

Erika Tapalla said...

those pieces are so interesting. should be part of an installation or something. where exactly is this club located? hopefully i will be going to singapore soon and would love to check this out.

b said...

The club is located on The Riverwalk, next to Boat Quay. I will make sure to take a photo of the pieces when they are in use so that you can have a better look at them. :) Let me know also if you do make it down to Singapore. Peace, B

Erika Tapalla said...

thanks 'B', i'll be sure to keep re-checking this blog. :)

Erika Tapalla said...

thanks, I'll be sure to recheck this blog for more photo updates and will try to drop by your club and hopefully be let in.

Anonymous said...

ehh... those are from SG Bienalle City Hall site!!

how did u guys land it??

N yes I can reaffirm that those are strong enough..

b said...

hey z, yup they are the same design as the bienale, the designers have contacts with the same peeps! :) speak soon