Everybody has probably seen Joe around, most visible when he is manning the console with George and Ginette on Friday's Beat! There are certain things about Joe, (if only from a glance) that will forever stick in your mind. The first is his smile, it resonates with ease, never forced and always inviting... never imposing and always open. He emanates a quietly happy wisdom you find only in certain individuals. His hair is unashamably out of place, lively and free, it is an extention of his character, his state of mind perhaps. A professional in every sense of the word, Joe will always be at the venue long before his official duties have begun. By day, Joe works directing and creating music for Boku films. On fridays he is one third of the team we have come to know as Beat! The indie rock trio that have taken this night by storm with their impeccable track selection and intimate relationship with the crowd.
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