This weeks Beat! live saw special guests Elektone and Force Vomit each performed their own unique styles of sound for those who made it there to enjoy. First up, Elektone created beautiful soundscapes to sit back and lose yourself to. Towards the end of their set, a friend came up and masked himself in those eye-shades you get on air planes. The lead singer took to the drums and he became the vocalist. Suddenly the tempo increased, real drums instead of the sampled ones were much more upfront and in your face. These guys really rocked and whoever the singer was had a presence like a real twitchingly strung out rock star. Force Vomit came on and it was clear these guys are as big as they are, a whole new crowd turned up. They had some kind of black magic talk or so it seemed like that. Despite their name and presence these guys are all super nice. Real sticks and stones, rock and roll, tight as f+*% and real performers. Personally I liked the cover of light my fire at the end but hey I'm old school like that. great performance by both bands, really hope we see more of you two soon. Beat! was next but I'm sure you all know that if you don't then i'll see you next friday??? Peace out.
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