What can i say that hasn't already been said? Alot really... It's not like I'm trying to squeeze blood out of a stone. Has anyone else heard of that image before? It seems to spring to mind more often than not but i can't seem to place where it's from, either Shakespeare or the Bible... either of which I have to say I haven't read much of.
Back to the event that was last night. As usual these guys always surprise me with their track selection, you're always guaranteed to hear something that sounds familiar yet nothing like what it sounds similar to. the Bee Gees (Damn that is catchy but boy do i hate the Bee Gees, even if their initials are the same as mine, that just makes it worse) crossed over with Jay-Z and another version of Beyonce's 'Crazy in Love' (originally Chi-Lites 'Are you my woman?')... I love remixes, reproductions, bootlegs... come on, what is really really original anymore? everything is a recreation of life, all art mimicks nature, the greatest creation there was, music is no different.
Sorry I'm going on all sorts of tangents but since no one comments to these, I guess I have complete license to write what the f*+% I want. By the way that's a backhanded comment to try and get some more people to comment on this blog (and really to say you guys can write what you want, but please remember this can be used for good, like all things powerful, technology being one, can be used for both good and evil purposes, maybe the force be with you, or the darkside if you so choose.)
Anyway I love sweetmusic, i love the music they are playing, the collective, their selection and by the way, last night I was shown (by Joseph, Mr. Baby Blue) that the effects unit on the djm600 can be used to sound like a guitar and a pedal, no joke. Be prepared for the up and coming launch of Sweetmusic nights here at HomeClub later on in the month where there will be live stream of the music played. Stay tuned and keep informed. Peace.
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